Too often when it comes to slinging sample for a research panel, market research firms will promise a panel so big, it sounds too good to be true.

[Market Research 101: “Slinging Sample” is market research slang for sending surveys to samples of people.]

On paper, a large panel sounds great. 

But when you look at the fine print, quantity isn’t quality. 

You need both quality and quantity to help you make the big decisions.

Here are 4 ways ROI ensures the sample for your project is of high quality: 

1. They’re Active. 

A market research company can claim to have a large panel, but it doesn’t matter if they’re not active. 

If half of a panel hasn’t engaged with a survey in over a year, it’s a lot less likely for them to engage again. 

Especially if you need to reconnect participants with follow up questions. 

To us, an active panelist has engaged and taken a survey within a 90-day period.

2. They’re Double Opted-In

How do you know your panel is invested in taking your surveys? 

You make sure they know what they are getting into. 

At ROI, not anyone can join our panels. 

We handpick and invite them based on the criteria for that project. 

Then, we make sure they double opt-in to the panel. 

This builds trust. 

Because of this, they are more likely to provide higher quality answers that will influence your business decisions. 

3. They’re Verified

How do you know if your panel is who they say they are? 

Response fraud is a growing problem for the market research industry that you are probably well aware of. 

Response fraudsters will take online surveys to get paid without providing genuine answers, often skewing your market research data. 

Despite this, many market research firms still rely on unverified self-reported data, only making it too easy for these fraudsters to game the system. 

We don’t rely on self-reported data 

That’s why we go to great lengths to verify our panel sample. 

We use 3rd party data to validate and augment our panelists profiles. 

What’s more, we collect over 200 data points over our panel registration and welcome process. 

4. They’re Custom Recruited

It’s common practice for market research firms to use general targeting to find respondents for their panels. 

But what if you recruit a nurse for a business panel? Or a business manager for a healthcare panel? 

They wouldn’t provide relevant information for that survey. 

That’s why we specialize in custom recruiting in order to curate industry panels specific to our client’s needs. 

We have multiple: 

  • Business panels
  • Healthcare panels
  • Consumer panels
  • And even an expectant mom panel

And that’s just to name a few. 

Delivering Quality & Quantity

While we work hard to ensure that our panel is made up of quality respondents, we don’t settle for a small, niche group. 

We relentlessly pursue quality respondents in order to build panels broad enough to handle even extremely high sample surveys…

And we can deliver for our clients even when the need is nearly 100,000 completes on a given project. Year in and year out.

So, looking for a high quality and quantity panel for your next big project? Drop us a line here.

 It won’t cost you anything for a free consultation. Get in touch now before you get distracted.